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Welcome to Hopkinton Public Schools

Families will find quick links to resources, forms, district and school news.



Road map of Massachusetts

Dismissal Procedures

Marathon and Elmwood parents/guardians must complete dismissal changes before 2:00PM (11:30AM on early release days). Hopkins parents/guardians must complete dismissal changes before 2:00PM (11:30AM on early release days).  All elementary schools and the Middle School have migrated to a Google form to collect dismissal information:

High School parents/guardians should submit a hand written note or an email to:

School Hours:


Report Absenteeism

Please notify the school in the morning if your student will be absent for the day. Please submit an online form (preferred), or call the appropriate absentee line.

Parents may also email the school nurse or at the HS and MS parents can email the schools to notify them of the absence:

Middle School:
High School:


Summer Reading

What's summer without a great book. Please see the resources below for summer reading options:

  • HHS
  • HMS 
  • Hopkins
    • Future 5th Grade Students
    • Future 4th Grade Students
  • Elmwood
    • Future 2nd Grade Students
    • Future 3rd Grade Students
  • Marathon

School Supplies:

Grades K & 1
Grade 2 & 3
Grades 4 & 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8

