Welcome to Hopkinton Public Schools
Families will find quick links to resources, forms, district and school news.
Dismissal Procedures
Marathon and Elmwood parents/guardians must complete dismissal changes before 2:00PM (11:30AM on early release days). Hopkins parents/guardians must complete dismissal changes before 2:00PM (11:30AM on early release days). All elementary schools and the Middle School have migrated to a Google form to collect dismissal information:
High School parents/guardians should submit a hand written note or an email to:
School Hours:
Report Absenteeism
Please notify the school in the morning if your student will be absent for the day. Please submit an online form (preferred), or call the appropriate absentee line.
- Absentee /Late to Arrival Form (same form for all schools)
- Marathon - 508-497-9876
- Elmwood - 508-497-9861
- Hopkins - 508-435-0312
- HMS - 508-497-9809
- HHS - 508-497-9820
Parents may also email the school nurse or at the HS and MS parents can email the schools to notify them of the absence:
Middle School: MSoffice@hopkinton.k12.ma.us
High School: HSoffice@hopkinton.k12.ma.us
Summer Reading
What's summer without a great book. Please see the resources below for summer reading options:
- Hopkins
- Future 5th Grade Students
- Future 4th Grade Students
- Elmwood
- Future 2nd Grade Students
- Future 3rd Grade Students
- Marathon
School Supplies:
Grades K & 1
Grade 2 & 3
Grades 4 & 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8