Employee Self-Service Payroll Information
Some exciting news from the Payroll Office! The town set up an Employee Self Service website that provides payroll information for all employees.
The Employee Self Service page is a snapshot of what is currently in MUNIS. At this time we only programmed the Employee Master screen, which will show you what your current rate of pay is, what your accrual balances are for Sick, Vacation and Personal time, your demographic information such as address and phone numbers, and what you are claiming for exemptions for Federal and State taxes. You will also be able to view and print your check stubs back to the inception of MUNIS and see your W2!
MUNIS Self Service: https://hopkinton.munisselfservice.com/login.aspx
Your User name will always be your first initial, last name, and last four of your SS#
ie) jsmith1234
Your temporary password is the last four of your social security number. You will be prompted to change that password when you first log in.
When you log in and change your password, click 'Employee Self Service' on the left to see your account information.