Health Services
- Welcome
- Allergies & Medications
- Health & Wellness
- Registration
- Hotlines
- About US
- Absence / Tardy Google Form
Welcome to the Hopkinton Public Schools Health Services page. We are a dedicated team of nurses collaborating with our educators to support the needs of our students and their families. We work in all of the schools providing care for acute situations, as well as the continuing care of chronic conditions. Please reach out to the nurse assigned to your school with any questions or concerns regarding the medical care of your child.
Goals of the School Health Services Program "School nursing is a specialized practice of professional nursing that advances the well being, academic success, and lifelong achievement of students. To that end, School Nurses facilitate positive student responses to normal development; promote health and safety; intervene with actual and potential health problems; provide case management services; and actively collaborate with others to build student and family capacity for adaptation, self-management, self-advocacy, and learning." ~National Association of School Nurses”
Please refer to the district handbook for details should your child be injured or become ill. Parents must complete emergency forms that include emergency telephone numbers and emails and should ensure that these are kept current both online in PowerSchool and in the school office. PowerSchool should be reviewed annually by parents and guardians before each school year.
If your child will be tardy or absent please fill out this district absence google form. This is for all of the schools:
Hopkinton Absence/Tardy Google Form
Allergies & Medications
District Allergy Policy: Hopkinton Policy JLCCB
Does your child have an allergy?
It is very important that we know about all allergies to keep our students safe. Keep your student’s allergies up to date in PowerSchool and contact the nurse at your child's school with any changes in the school year. If you have an allergy action plan which includes medication, we will need it.
The school nurse in your school will create an Individualized Health Care Plan, which will follow them through their time in Hopkinton Public Schools.
The Hopkinton District Menu is lists daily food offerings online with all ingredients, which allows families to check food before coming to school.
Does your child need medication administered at school? You will need to provide the following so the clinic can give a medication:
A copy of the Physician Order for the medication
Allergy Action Plan from your physician, if applicable
JLCD-FRM1 - Hopkinton Public School District The top part of the JLCD-R1 form has been completed, signed, and dated by parents/guardians. A doctor’s office will fill out the bottom portion.
The Medication administration form is also Available is Spanish, Portuguese and Mandarin:
Medications must be in their original pharmacy labeled containers. No medication may be dispensed without written authorization from a physician, and the appropriate medication administration form, which may be obtained from the school nurse or online. An adult must deliver medications to school. No medications can be brought to school by a student, unless they have been approved to self administer. Self-administering is usually only seen in the Middle and High School population. All medications must be picked up by a parent or guardian at the end of the school year. Those not picked up, will be disposed of properly on the last day of school.
Health & Wellness
COVID- 19: Resources and Information:
Dr. Cavanaugh’s letter outlining the Hopkinton Covid Policy
Flu: Resources and Information
Hand Hygiene:
Students should remain home until fever free for 24 hours without use of medication (Tylenol or Motrin)
Gastrointestinal Illness:
Students should remain home for 24 hours after vomiting or diarrhea
Strep Throat:
Students may return to school after 24 hours of antibiotics having been administered.
Head Lice (Pediculosis):
Students may return to school after treatment
Students need to check in with the nurse for clearance to return to school
Medical documentation and vaccine requirements for Enrollment in Hopkinton Public Schools per the Hopkin School Committee Policy
FAQs Welcome to Hopkinton Public School
Link to Hopkinton School Registration
Massachusetts school immunization requirements are created under authority of 105 CMR 220.000 Immunization of Students Before Admission to School
Requirements apply to all students including individuals from another country attending or visiting classes or educational programs as part of an academic visitation or exchange program. Requirements apply to all students, even if over 18 years of age.
Medical Physicals within 12 months of starting school are required for initial registration to the District, no matter what year they start, and also in grades K,4,7,& 10. The physical exam form should include the clearance or restrictions for participation in school activities listed.
If your student participates in school sponsored sports, you will need to provide a physical exam form every year.
Documentation of lead screening between the ages of 9 months and 3 years for PreK and K students.
Links to regarding the registration requirements:
Information about school immunization requirements and data
Mental Health
- PFLAG Hotlines : (PFLAG provides confidential peer support, education, and advocacy to LGBTQ+ people, their parents, families, and allies.)
Alcohol and Drug Help Line 206-722-3700
Medical/Physical Health
National Poison Control : 1-800-222-1222
General Resources
Women's Protective Services - 1-508-626-8686
Parental Stress - 1-800-632-8188
Baby Safe Haven Hotline - 1-866-814-7233
Department of Public Health Information Line - 1-866-627-7968
Domestic Violence Hotline - 1-877-785-2020
About US
Titles: School Nurse Assistant: LPN, Specialized Transportation Attendant
Titles: School Nurse
Locations: Marathon Elementary School
Marathon health office and sick/tardy call line: 508-497-9876
Marathon Fax Number: 508-435-4890
Titles: School Nurse
Location: Hopkins Elementary School
Phone: 508-497-9824 ext. 4006
Hopkins Sick/tardy Call line: 508-435-0312
Hopkins Fax: 508-435-0314
Titles: School Nurse Assistant: LPN
Locations: District
Titles: School Nurse
Location: Hopkinton Middle School, Hopkinton High School
Phone Number:
Middle School: 508-497-9830 ext. 5007
High School: 508-497-9824 ext. 6059
HMS fax: 508-497-9803
HHS fax: 508-497-9829
Titles: School Nurse
Locations: Hopkinton Middle School
Phone Numbers:
Middle School: 508-497-9830 ext. 5007
HMS fax:508-497-9803
Titles: School Nurse
Location: Elmwood Elementary School
Nurse Phone and Elmwood Sick/Tardy call line: 508-497-9861
Elmwood Fax number: 508-497-9862
Titles: Head School Nurse
Location: Hopkinton High School
Phone Numbers:
School: 508-497-9816
HHS Fax: 508-497-9829