Banner Requests
Display of Banner Requests should be submitted to Katie Putnam at the Buildings and Grounds Department. Banner Requests will be accepted starting July 1st for the upcoming school year. Some of the guidelines are as follows:
- Town By-Law limits banner size to a maximum of 24 square feet
- Buildings and Grounds recommends 3' x 8' and the use of a minimum of 6 metal grommets
- Due to the volume of requests arrangements must be made well in advance
- Content should be reviewed by the Buildings and Grounds office prior to the production of the banner. Unsuitable content may not be displayed.
- A maximum of two banners may be displayed at any given time
- A banner may hang for as long as two weeks
- Banners are to be hung by Maintenance Department personnel only, and as workload permits
- Hopkinton Public Schools is not liable for any damage to or loss of banners and reserves the right to deny any banner regardless of past approval.
Contact the Buildings and Grounds office with any question.