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JRD-Publication of Student Photographs and Images

Policy JRD

Adopted: October 18, 2001
Amended: January 9, 2020

The Hopkinton School Committee recognizes that parents and guardians have the right to restrict the public display by the District of photographs and electronic images of their children. This includes images posted on bulletin boards or published in any form of print or electronic media by District officials. The School Committee also recognizes that students eighteen years old or older have the right to determine these restrictions for themselves.

This policy does not prohibit the posting or publication of images by third parties over whom the District does not have legal authority.  This policy does not restrict the publication of photos and other images which are not directly related to a particular student, such as those in which the student’s image is incidental or is captured only as part of the background, or if a student is shown participating in school sports, school plays or concerts, off site Extended School Year (ESY) related activities, or other activities that are open to the public and without a specific focus on any individual.

Students’ addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, or any other personally identifiable information will not be included with any photos posted or published in print or electronic media by the Hopkinton Public School District.  Further, such photos shall not include any information regarding a student’s disability status, including without limitation any reference to participation in an ESY program or activity.

If a photo is posted or published contrary to the intent of this policy, the school principal, in the case of ESY, the Director of Student Services, shall be immediately notified. The Principal, Director of Student Services, and/or Superintendent of Schools will immediately make every reasonable effort to cease publication or withdraw the photo(s) from display.

At the beginning of each school year, each school will provide a form to all parents or guardians and students who have reached the age of eighteen that they may sign to indicate that the publication of images is to be restricted. These forms must be returned to the school within a two-week period from the date of dissemination. If the form is not signed and returned, the Hopkinton Public School district is free to post or publish images.

In the case of students attending ESY, by mid April of each school year, the Director of Student Services or the ESY Coordinator will provide a form to all parents or guardians and students who have reached the age of eighteen that they may sign to indicate that the publication of images is to be restricted. Parents, guardians, or eighteen year old students must return the form in order by the end of the first week in May to request restriction. If the form is not signed and returned, the Hopkinton Public School district is free to post or publish images.

If at any time a reason for a photo restriction occurs after the start of the school year or after the start of the Extended School Year (ESY), restriction forms may be submitted to either Building Principals or the Director of Student Services, respectively.

Procedure Reference:

This policy shall be included in each school’s handbook as well as the ESY Packet.

FRM - 1 Photo Restrictions Regular School Year

FRM - 2 Photo Restrictions ESY

School Committee Policies