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JLB - Financial Assistance

Policy JLB

Adopted: June 10, 2010
Amended: January 3, 2019

The Hopkinton Public Schools recognizes that parents or guardians may have difficulty paying district fees due to their financial circumstances at the time. This policy guides the process for determining waivers or reductions for school--related fees. The Business Office determines financial need by using federal poverty guidelines. Parents or guardians will return forms only to the district’s Business Office to limit access to this sensitive information. Parents or guardians seeking financial assistance must follow the Financial Assistance Procedures (JLB-PRC1) to allow the district to determine the fee reduction level.

Fee reductions or waivers apply to those set by School Committee, as well as those charged by schools. Fees set by School Committee include, but may not be limited to:

  • Student transportation
  • Parking
  • Athletics
  • Pre-kindergarten tuitions

Fees set by the schools include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Extracurricular activities
  • Field trips that fall under policy IJOA Field Trips
  • Instrumental music
  • Class dues
  • Dances
  • Yearbooks
  • Athletic wear other than school--issued uniforms for school--related activities

Parents or guardians seeking assistance for school activities such as those listed above should notify their child’s principal, and if they haven’t already, submit their Financial Assistance Application form (JLB-FRM1) to the Business Office. The principal’s decision will be guided by eligibility determination made by the Business Office and will be subject to the availability of funds. All principals will maintain the confidentiality of this information.

No fee reduction or waiver will be available for trips abroad.

This policy does not exempt students from paying for the full cost of damages they have caused to school property, or lost book or material charges.

The Business Office will make Financial Assistance Procedures forms regularly available in all school offices and the district website.

If the parent or guardian is not satisfied with the fee reduction level, he or she may appeal by letter first to the Director of Finance, and if not satisfied, by letter to the Superintendent of Schools whose decision will be final.

Legal References:

Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (79 P.L. 396, 60 Stat. 230), P.L. 108--265, MGL 71:26C, 71:47, 71:68, 71:72

Procedure Reference:

JLB-FRM1 - Financial Assistance Application

JLB-FRM2 - Sharing Information with Other Programs

JLB-PRC1 - Financial Assistance Program

Cross References:

JQA - Fees

JJH - Late Night and Overnight Student Travel

Student Travel IJOA - Field Trips

School Committee Policies