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JJD - Revolving Accounts

Policy JJD

Adopted: February 12, 2015
Amended: February 2, 2023

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The revenue collected from all fees and other revenues will be placed into revolving accounts established in accordance with Massachusetts State Law. These revolving accounts will be used to pay expenses directly related to the services for which the fee was collected. The specific allocation of funds from revolving accounts will be established by the School Committee as part of its annual budget process. Revolving Accounts shall be under the direct control of the School Committee, which delegates the power to the Superintendent or his/her/their designee to authorize expenditures from them without further appropriation by the Town. Federal and state grants, gifts and donations to the School Committee shall be processed as specified by statute and donor requirements.
Collection of Fees 
Establishment of the collection procedures for any fees will be established and communicated by the Superintendent.
Student Fees  
The School Committee may from time to time establish user fees to be charged to students for certain activities or equipment. The fees will be collected as a source of revenue to the school department to offset expenses of the annual operating budget directly related to that activity. The School Committee will, as part of its annual budget process, establish the nature and amount of any fees.
Other Revenues 
The School Committee may from time to time authorize the acceptance of financial gifts and other revenues including school lunch receipts, gate receipts, rental fees, etc.
All monies collected by the schools from fees, fines, admissions, and other non-tax sources shall be submitted to the School Business Office, deposited with the Town Treasurer, and credited to the appropriate accounts, to be spent under the purview of the School Committee and in accordance with Municipal Finance Law.

Legal References:

MGL 40:3; 44:53A; 44:53E½; 71:26C; 71:37A; 71:47; 71:71; 71:71F; Ch. 548 of the Acts of 1948.

Adapted References:

MASC Model Policies

Cross References:

Financial Assistance Policies JLB, JLB-FRM1, JLB-FRM2, JLB-PRC1

School Committee Policies