JIB - Student Involvement in Decision Making
The School Committee will take into consideration student opinions in establishing policies that directly affect student programs, activities, privileges and other areas of student sensitivity.
Students will be welcomed at Committee meetings and granted privileges of speaking in line with the privileges extended to the general public.
As required by state law, the School Committee will meet at regular intervals while school is in session with the Student Advisory Committee, which is composed of five students from the high school student body. One member of the Student Advisory Committee shall be an ex-officio non-voting member of the School Committee without the right to attend executive sessions unless the School Committee votes to allow attendance at a particular session. One member of the Student Advisory Committee will attend each formal school committee meeting.
School Committee Policies
- A - Foundations and Basic Commitments
- B - School Board Governance and Operations
- C - General School Administration
- D - Fiscal Management
- E - Support Services
- F - Facilities Development
- G - Personnel
- H - Negotiations
- I - Instructional Program
- J - Students
- K - School-Community Relations
- L - Education Agency Relations