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JF-School Admissions and Residency Requirements

Policy JF

Adopted: September 24, 2015
Amended: October 12, 2021

A person is eligible to attend the Hopkinton Public Schools if the student is of school age and is: 

  • Living with the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) who have physical custody and are residents of Hopkinton (proof of legal guardianship may be required), or 

  • Intending to be a resident within thirty (30) school days from the start of the school year (requires proof of Purchase & Sale with a closing date or lease) and approved by the Superintendent or designee, or 

  • At least eighteen (18) years of age, having established residency, or 

  • An approved tuition-paying student, (i.e., F1 Visa Program) or 

  • Homeless, which is defined as a person living in Hopkinton who lacks a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence such as a shelter or a place not designed to be a sleeping accommodation. 

An eligible student will be admitted regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, ancestry, athletic performance, homelessness, socioeconomic status, disability, pregnancy or pregnancy related condition, academic performance, or proficiency in the English language. 

A student registering for the first time must present a birth certificate or equivalent proof of age as well as proof of current physical and vaccination and immunizations as required by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. A child whose parent(s) or guardian(s) state religious objections to vaccinations or immunizations or who are homeless may register without vaccination or immunization records. 

Proof of residency will be required at the time of registration, or at any time that school officials have reason to question a student’s residency, which is defined as the place where a person resides permanently, not temporarily or sporadically, and is the center of his or her domestic, social, and civic life. 

The Superintendent may request three or more of the following documents as proof of residency: Purchase and Sale Agreement, property deed, record of most recent mortgage payment, copy of fully executed lease, record of most recent rent payment, Section 8 Agreement, or utility bill (gas, oil, electric, cable, water, sewer). 

If moving to Hopkinton after thirty (30) days from the start of the school year, the following document(s) will be required to prove residency: property deed or fully executed lease agreement. 

All returning students must complete a returning registration form annually. Students in Out of District placements must complete a returning registration form and provide proof of residency annually.

The Superintendent reserves the right to investigate at any time if a student’s residency is in question. If an investigation establishes that a student is not a resident, the student will be dismissed from the Hopkinton Public Schools. Parents or guardians of a non-resident student may be required to submit restitution for the period of time that the student was improperly attending school in Hopkinton. Anyone who assists in the violation of the residency law may be required to submit restitution in the event that the parents or guardians cannot pay the full amount. 

High school seniors whose parents or guardians have moved out of town, may petition the Superintendent to complete their education provided they meet the following two conditions at a minimum: 

1. The family moves January 1 or later in the school year, and 

2. The student has remained in good standing with his or her discipline and academic records. 

Certain Exceptions apply to the above policy for eligible categories such as Homeless, Foster Care, and Military students. 

Homeless students must be enrolled immediately with or without documentation, including: guardianship, proof of residency, academic, health, discipline, and/or special education records.

Foster Care students must be enrolled immediately with or without documentation, including: academic, health, discipline, and/or special education records.  A Notice to LEA will be collected (from DCF), which includes: Emergency contact, residence, social worker, record release, transportation needs, etc.

Parents of Military are able to voluntarily self-identify as active military, ensure timely enrollment and graduation, appropriate grade placement, and attendance due to deployment. 

The Schools are required to collect data and report it to DESE.

First Reading 
May 17, 2007 
August 5, 2015 
July 18, 2017 
July 23, 2020 
April 1, 2021


Second Reading 
June 21, 2007 
September 10, 2015 
August 20, 2020 

Third Reading 
October 18, 2007 
September 24, 2015 
September 3, 2020 


October 18, 2007 
September 24, 2015 


Policy Amended 
July 18, 2017 
September 3, 2020 
April 1, 2021


Legal References 

MGL 76:1, 76:5; 76:6; 76:15. 

603 CMR 26.02 

McKinney Vento Homeless Education Assistance Improvements Act of 2001

McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act as reauthorized under ESSA 2015. 

Policy Cross-Reference 

JEB Requirements for School Entrance 

AC Non-Discrimination 

JFABD McKinney Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act Policy

JFABF Educational Opportunities for Children in Foster Care 

JFABE Educational Opportunities for Children of Military Families 


Procedure Reference 

School Committee Policies