JEB - Requirements For School Entrance
Policy JEB
Adopted: August 21, 1980 as #5111.0; February 7, 2011
Amended: N/A
Children who are residents of Hopkinton must have attained the age of five (5) years as of August 31st to be eligible for enrollment in Kindergarten at the start of that school year.
Children who have not attended public Kindergarten will be enrolled in first grade provided they have attained their sixth birthday by August 31st of that school year.
Children who are residents of Hopkinton, have reached the age of three (3) years, and have been found eligible for special education services under M.G.L. 71B will be provided an educational program consistent with the child's educational plan, which may include entrance into the district's Integrated Preschool. A limited number of children of the same age who do not have special needs will also be accepted into the Integrated Preschool program based on a lottery, and will pay tuition.
Legal References:
M.G.L. c.69, §1B
M.G.L. 71B
603 CMR 8.00: Kindergartens: Minimum School Age
Cross References:
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