GBEB Staff Conduct
Policy GBEB
Adopted: December 7, 2023
All staff have the responsibility to familiarize themselves with and abide by, all applicable laws, regulations, and policies set forth by the United States of America, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, the Hopkinton School Committee, and the Hopkinton Public Schools administration (including the superintendent of schools and his/her/their designees and the school principal and his/her/their designees), as well as by the provisions of any applicable collective bargaining agreement between the Hopkinton Teachers’ Association and the Hopkinton School Committee.
In the area of personal conduct, the Committee expects that teachers and others will conduct themselves in a manner that not only reflects credit to the school system but also sets forth a model worthy of emulation by students.
The success of Hopkinton Public Schools depends upon the quality of the relationships between Hopkinton Public Schools, our employees, employees of the Town, and the community as a whole. Others’ impressions of Hopkinton Public Schools, and their interest and willingness to support our goals are greatly formed by the people who serve them. All employees, regardless of position, are considered to be ambassadors of the Hopkinton Public Schools. Employees who engage in inappropriate conduct compromise their ability to be respected by students, parents, and the community. The Committee requires all staff to engage in respectful interactions with students, colleagues and other constituents.
Staff conducting Hopkinton Public Schools’ business off-site, including attendance at conferences, seminars, and the like, are required to conduct themselves with the highest level of professionalism It is expected that all staff will conduct themselves accordingly and maintain a strictly professional business demeanor at all times.
The Hopkinton Public Schools considers certain types of behavior and conduct inappropriate. In evaluating conduct, the District considers context and the impact the behavior has on one’s ability to effectively perform one’s job. Examples of inappropriate behaviors include, but are not limited to, the following:
Falsifying employment or other Hopkinton Public Schools records;
Violating any of Hopkinton Public Schools’ policies;
Establishing a pattern of absenteeism or tardiness;
Engaging in excessive, unnecessary, or unauthorized use of Hopkinton Public Schools supplies or equipment, particularly for personal purposes;
Removing from the premises, without proper authorization, school, Town, or District property.
Reporting to work intoxicated or under the influence of non-prescribed drugs, or reporting to work in an impaired state; bringing or using alcoholic beverages on Hopkinton Public Schools property;
Illegally manufacturing, possessing, using, selling, distributing, or transporting drugs;
Fighting or engaging in any type of physical assault in the workplace.
Using obscene, abusive, or threatening language or gestures, both written and spoken, whether in person, on social media or in any other forum, that compromises one's ability to do their job or results in disruption or damage to the educational process.
Stealing property from co-workers, students, parents, the Town of Hopkinton, or Hopkinton Public Schools;
Accepting any gift, gratuity, favor, entertainment, reward, or any other item of monetary value that might influence or appear to influence the judgment or conduct of the employee in the performance of his/her/their job, in excess of that allowed by law or regulation (see SC Policy GBEBC-Gifts to Employees & School Committee);
Having firearms on Hopkinton Public Schools’ premises or while on Hopkinton Public Schools business;
Disregarding safety or security regulations, including crisis plans;
Engaging in insubordination or refusal to follow the directions of a person with management responsibility within the bounds of the law;
Failing to maintain the confidentiality of Hopkinton Public Schools, or student information;
Interfering with the performance of other employees or participating in any interruption of work;
Neglecting one’s own job duties and responsibilities or refusing to perform work assigned;
Compromising computer security by unauthorized copying of software, unauthorized use of District computer facilities, or failing to comply with the District’s Acceptable Use Policy;
Violating intellectual property or copyright laws;
Misappropriating District or Town funds or property.
Failing to implement locally-determined curriculum that is based on the guidelines of the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks and/or locally determined educational programming, consistent with each staff member’s role.
Legal References:
M.G.L. 71:37H
School Committee Policies
- A - Foundations and Basic Commitments
- B - School Board Governance and Operations
- C - General School Administration
- D - Fiscal Management
- E - Support Services
- F - Facilities Development
- G - Personnel
- H - Negotiations
- I - Instructional Program
- J - Students
- K - School-Community Relations
- L - Education Agency Relations