EEAEC - Student Conduct on School Buses
The School Committee and its staff share with students and parents/guardians the responsibility for student safety during transportation to and from school. The authority for enforcing School Committee requirements of student conduct on buses will rest with the Principal. The bus driver’s responsibility is to operate the school bus, without distraction.
To ensure the safety of all students who ride in buses, it may occasionally be necessary to revoke the privilege of transportation from a student who abuses this privilege. Parents/guardians of children whose behavior and misconduct on school buses endangers the health, safety, and welfare of other riders will be notified that their children face the loss of transportation privileges in accordance with regulations approved by the School Committee.
The Hopkinton Public School District has the right to take actions necessary to maintain safe conditions on all school buses. The courts have held that the right of a student to transportation is a qualified right, dependent on appropriate behavior.
The following conduct is strictly prohibited:
● Any conduct prohibited by law.
● Any conduct listed as prohibited in the Student Handbook or Student Code of Conduct of the school that the student attends.
● Any conduct that is prohibited in the Hopkinton Public Schools Bus Conduct Rules.
● Disciplinary response for any prohibited conduct is guided by the Student Handbook or Student Code of Conduct, and includes notification of parents. The disciplinary response may include temporary or permanent loss of bus privilege, suspension from school, or other disciplinary action as appropriate to the offense. Students are held liable for any damage that they cause to a school bus.
A student who pays a fee for transportation and whose riding privileges are suspended because of a violation of these rules will not receive a fee refund in whole or in part.
All passengers must follow the instructions issued by the driver for loading, unloading and personal conduct while on the bus.
The principal shall see that this policy is reviewed with students in an age-appropriate manner at the beginning of each year.
School Committee Policies
- A - Foundations and Basic Commitments
- B - School Board Governance and Operations
- C - General School Administration
- D - Fiscal Management
- E - Support Services
- F - Facilities Development
- G - Personnel
- H - Negotiations
- I - Instructional Program
- J - Students
- K - School-Community Relations
- L - Education Agency Relations