EBC - Safety And Security
In order to maintain the safe and orderly environment that is needed for a positive learning and working environment, the district must clearly delineate expectations for crisis prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery activities, and ensure that the staff is prepared to meet these expectations. Therefore, the Superintendent or his/her/their designee shall ensure that the district has up-to-date guides for crisis prevention and response, threat assessment, chemical safety, and continuity of operations, and is prepared to adhere to the requirements of each.
Because school safety is part of overall community safety, the Superintendent or his/her/their designee will continue to collaborate through the District Safety Committee and other means with the Police Department, Fire Department, Public Health Administrator, local faith based organizations, and other community organizations to plan for school safety.
All principals are responsible for implementing the provisions of the district crisis guide, including facilitating regular meetings with their school’s Crisis Response Teams to practice table-top drills, incorporate feedback from district-initiated drills, and otherwise prepare for situations that may be unsafe for students, staff, and school visitors. Principals will immediately notify the Superintendent about any safety or security concern in their schools. If the safety issue involves the school facility or grounds, the principal will also notify the Director of Buildings and Grounds, and if the issue concerns school buses, the Director of Finance.
Diagrams of school facility interiors, school safety and security procedures, and equipment contracts, will not be made public.
The district will maintain a warning system utilizing telephone and electronic means to quickly inform families of emergency situations.
This policy works in conjunction with other district policies and their associated laws including Bullying Prevention, Non-Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, Student Conduct: Possession of Weapons or Controlled Substances, or Assault of Educational Personnel; Criminal Offender Record Information, Student Conduct on School Buses, Bus Safety, Bus Accidents, and Student Drug/Alcohol Abuse Prohibited and will be updated to include other policies as necessary when they are developed.
AC Nondiscrimination
ACAB Sexual Harassment
ADDA Criminal Offender Record Information
EEAEC Student Conduct on School Buses
EEA-PRC1 Bus Safety
JICFB Bullying Prevention
JICH Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drug Use by Students Prohibited
JICI Student Conduct: Possessions of Weapons or Controlled Substances, or Assault of Educational Personnel
JL Reporting to Authorities - Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect
School Committee Policies
- A - Foundations and Basic Commitments
- B - School Board Governance and Operations
- C - General School Administration
- D - Fiscal Management
- E - Support Services
- F - Facilities Development
- G - Personnel
- H - Negotiations
- I - Instructional Program
- J - Students
- K - School-Community Relations
- L - Education Agency Relations