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DD - Funding Proposals and Applications

Policy DD

Adopted: January 22, 2015
Amended: N/A

The School Committee will encourage the administration to seek and secure all applicable sources of state, federal, and other special funds that will enhance the educational opportunities for the children in our schools.

The Superintendent or an appropriate designee will keep informed of all applicable funds available to the school system under the various state and federal programs, and in what manner these funds can best be used in the school system.

The Superintendent or an appropriate designee will be responsible for seeking out and coordinating the development of proposals for all specially funded projects and for submitting the proposals to the Committee for approval.

The Superintendent or an appropriate designee is authorized to sign all applications and reports for these projects and will be responsible for the proper expenditure of funds received for such projects.

Legal References:
M.G.L. 44:53A; 71:37A
2CFR200 Federal Uniform Administrative Requirements
P.L. 874 Impact Aid

School Committee Policies