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BEDA - Notifications of School Committee Meetings

Policy BEDA

Adopted: October 5, 2006
Amended: N/A

As required by law, a minimum of 48 hours advance notice will be given for any meeting of the School Committee, including all subcommittee meetings. The only exception permitted is in case of emergency, which the law defines as “a sudden, generally unexpected occurrence or set of circumstances demanding immediate action.”

Notification of the dates, times, and places of regular meetings will be accomplished by periodic publication of the schedule for the ensuing months. Notification of a change in a regular meeting time or place and notification of a special meeting will be filed with the town clerk at least 48 hours in advance, as required by law.

Legal References:

MGL 39:23A, 39:23B

Cross References:

BE - School Committee Meetings

School Committee Policies