BDFA - School Councils
This policy is designed to implement the Provisions of MA General laws, Section 59 C, which requires the establishment of school councils in all of the public schools in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
The Hopkinton School Committee is the policy-making body and appreciates and encourages the intent and purpose of school councils. The Committee believes that parents, teachers, high school students and other members of the community working collaboratively to advise the principal will enhance the education of all of the children in Hopkinton.
While the Committee supports the attempt to foster a collaborative effort at the local school level, it also recognizes its responsibility to provide a common direction for all of the students in the Hopkinton Public Schools.
The purpose of the school council is to:
- Assist the principal in adopting appropriate educational goals consistent with the goals and standards including student performance standards as established by the state Board of Education;
- Assist and advise the principal in the identification of the educational needs of the students;
- Make recommendations to the principal for the development, implementation and assessment of the required school curriculum accommodation plan;
- Consult with the principal of the high school concerning the required preparation and distribution of a student handbook to each student;
- Assist and advise principals in the review of the annual school budget; and
- Assist and advise principals in the formulation of a school improvement plan.
Members of a school council shall include the principal, parents of students attending the school, teachers who work at the school, students (high school only), and other interested parties. These may include persons from municipal government, business, and labor organizations. At the high school level, at least one student and up to four students will be included. Membership shall meet the standards of parity between parents and school members as set forth in law in regulation. The Council shall be broadly representative of racial and ethnic diversity of the school and community.
The principal shall be in charge of forming the group and constituting its membership.
The term of office will be determined by each council.
At the first meeting of a council, a member will be elected to serve as co-chair with the principal. All meetings are to be conducted according to the requirements of the Open Meeting Law. At each meeting, each school council will set aside time for public comment. School councils are encouraged to use subcommittees as a means of extending the involvement of parents, teachers, students and other community members concerning matters that are of importance to the school.
School Committee Policies
- A - Foundations and Basic Commitments
- B - School Board Governance and Operations
- C - General School Administration
- D - Fiscal Management
- E - Support Services
- F - Facilities Development
- G - Personnel
- H - Negotiations
- I - Instructional Program
- J - Students
- K - School-Community Relations
- L - Education Agency Relations