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AC - Non-Discrimination and Civil Rights Notice to Students, Parents and Employees

Policy AC

Adopted: November 15, 2001
Amended: October 24, 2024

Public schools have the responsibility to overcome, insofar as possible, any barriers that prevent children from achieving their potential. The public school community will do its part. The members of the school community include the School Committee, employees, administration, faculty, staff, students, visitors, volunteers in the schools, and parties contracted to perform work for the Hopkinton Public Schools. This commitment to the community is affirmed by the following statements that the School Committee intends to:

1. Promote the rights and responsibilities of all individuals as set forth in the State and Federal Constitutions, pertinent legislation, and applicable judicial interpretations.

2. Encourage positive experiences in human values for children, youth and adults, all of whom have differing personal and family characteristics and who come from various socioeconomic, racial and ethnic groups.

3. Work toward a more integrated society and to enlist the support of individuals as well as groups and agencies, both private and governmental, in such an effort.

4. Use all appropriate communication and action techniques to air and reduce the grievances of individuals and groups.

5. Carefully consider, in all the decisions made within the school system, the potential benefits or adverse consequences that those decisions might have on human relations6. Initiate a process of reviewing policies and practices of the school system in order to achieve to the greatest extent possible the objectives of this statement.

The Committee's policy of nondiscrimination will extend to the School Committee, employees, administration, faculty, staff, students, visitors, volunteers in the schools, and parties contracted to perform work for the Hopkinton Public Schools.; No person shall be excluded from or discriminated against in admission to a public school of any town or in obtaining the advantages, privileges, and courses of study of such public school on account of race, traits historically associated with race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, sexual orientation, sex stereotypes and sex characteristics, gender identity, ancestry, athletic performance, homelessness, socioeconomic status,  disability, pregnancy or pregnancy related condition, academic performance, or proficiency in the English language. 

If someone has a complaint or feels that they have been discriminated against and or witnessed discrimination based race, traits historically associated with race, traits historically associated with race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, sexual orientation, sex stereotypes and sex characteristics, gender identity, ancestry, athletic performance, homelessness, socioeconomic status, disability, pregnancy or pregnancy related condition, academic performance, or proficiency in the English language, a complaint must be registered with the Title IX compliance officer.  

The Hopkinton School Committee takes allegations of discrimination, including harassment and retaliation, seriously.  The District will respond promptly and equitably to all complaints or reports that a violation of this policy has occurred.  Where a violation is found, the Hopkinton Public Schools will take appropriate disciplinary and corrective action to eliminate the conduct and prevent its recurrence.

It shall be a violation of this policy for any member of the school community to engage in any form of discrimination, including harassment and retaliation, or to violate any other civil right of any member of the school community. We recognize that discrimination can take a range of forms and can be targeted or unintentional; however, discrimination in any form, including harassment and retaliation, will not be tolerated. 

It shall also be a violation of this policy for any school community member to subject any other member of the school community to any form of retaliation, including, but not limited to, coercion, intimidation, interference, punishment, discrimination, or harassment, for reporting or filing a complaint of discrimination, cooperating in an investigation, aiding or encouraging another member of the school community to report such conduct or file a complaint, or opposing any act or practice reasonably believed to be prohibited by this policy.

Designation of Civil Rights Administration

The principal of each school in the Hopkinton Public Schools, or at least one employee designated by the principal, will have the responsibility to respond to matters of civil rights that arise in the school setting. 

The principal or his/her/their designee will also serve as a liaison to law enforcement agencies, and assist the principal and superintendent in making referrals of possible criminal matters to law enforcement authorities.


Legal References:

Title IX of the Education Act Amendments of 1972 Title VI
Civil Rights Act of 1964 Title VII
Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended by the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972 Executive Order 11246, as amended by E.O. 11375 Equal Pay Act, as amended by the Education Amendments of 1972 Section 504 Of The Rehabilitation Of l973 
Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 
M.G.L. 71B:l et seq. (Chapter 766 of the Acts of l972) 
M.G.L. 76:5; Amended 1993 M.G.L.76:16 (Chapter 622 of the Acts of 1971) 
BESE regulations 603CMR 26:00 
Amended 2012 BESE regulations 603CMR 28.00 
M.G.L. 22c, Sec. 33; 501 CMR 4;04 (1) the Hate Crimes Reporting Act Age Discrimination Act of 1975 
An Act Relative to Gender Identity (Ch. 199 of the Acts of 2011) 603 CMR 26 and 49:00 
Access to Equal Educational Opportunities / Duty to Notify

Cross References:

JICFB - Bullying Prevention and Intervention Policy
ACE - Non-Discrimination on Basis of Disability
ACAB - Harassment

Related Resources:

Procedure Reference:

Grievance Procedure For Complaints Alleging Violation
Of Section 504 Of The Rehabilitation Of 1973 as defined by HPS Student Handbook and HPS Faculty Handbook

School Committee Policies