Business, Tech & Engineering
The Business/Technology/Engineering grades 6-12 department’s mission is to provide a diverse group of students with safe, collaborative, empathetic, creative and open thinking environments.
We will connect students to their school, local, national and/or global communities through rigorous inquiry based learning that is student driven. We will encourage students to employ resiliency while developing solutions to problems using current academic, technological, communication skills and processes. Students will experience individual and team achievements.
High School
Hopkinton High School
Business, Technology and Engineering course offerings (Full descriptions below):
The Business/Technology/Engineering department’s mission is to provide a diverse group of students with safe, collaborative, empathetic, creative and open thinking environments. We will connect students to their school, local, national and/or global communities through rigorous inquiry based learning that is student driven. We will encourage students to employ resiliency while developing solutions to problems using current academic, technological, communication skills and processes. Students will experience individual and team achievements.
Creative Business & Marketing - 3730 Semester Course
Open to: Grades 9-12 2.5 credits
Prerequisites: None
Students will engage in creative minds on and hands on product development, business and marketing experiences, grounded in 21st century marketing technologies and strategies. Communication, leadership and collaborative skills will be employed to ensure individual and team success. Small teams of students will apply business formation and marketing skills to develop, plan, and market their quality products and/or services. Outside organizations and individuals will mentor students to review their work. Students will leverage fabrication technologies, current social media outlets and mentors to produce and promote quality products and/or services.
Introduction to Economics (CP - 13520), (H - 13530) Semester Course
Open to: Grades 9-12 2.5 credits
Prerequisites: None
Students will be introduced to the basic principles of economics, with a primary focus on macroeconomics informed by the microeconomics of business and financial literacy. Students will look at issues through the lens of economic thinking, while better understanding the economic issues and challenges in their own lives and in an increasingly global society. Some topics include scarcity, supply and demand, market structures and business organization, money and banking, investments and the stock market, the role of the government in the economy, and economic globalization. No prior knowledge is required, with an open mind you will learn how decision-making is at the core of economics.
Advanced Placement Macroeconomics (AP - 1361/1362) Two Semester Course
Open to: Grades 11-12 2.5 credits per semester
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Creative Business and Marketing and/or Introduction to Economics and teacher recommendation
AP Macroeconomics is an introductory college-level macroeconomics course. Students cultivate their understanding of the principles that apply to an economic system as a whole by using principles and models to describe economic situations and predict and explain outcomes with graphs, charts, and data as they explore concepts like economic measurements, markets, macroeconomic models, and macroeconomic policies.
Introduction to Computer Science - 3610 Semester Course
Open to: Grades 9-12 2.5 credits
Prerequisites: None
This half-year course will introduce students to a broad range of topics in the field of computer science, including, but not limited to, hardware, data representation and manipulation, networking, computer programming, webpage and game design. Students will work on projects with Arduino microcontrollers to build, program and test their creative ideas. This course is open to all grade levels and does not require any prior computer science experience.
Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles (AP - 3603/3604)
Open to: Grades 10-12 Two Semester Course
Prerequisites: 1 recommendation by a BTE Department Teacher 2.5 credits per semester
AP Computer Science Principles introduces students to the central ideas of computer science, inviting students to develop the computational thinking vital for success across multiple disciplines. The course is unique in its focus in that it fosters students to be creative, and encourages students to apply creative processes when developing computational artifacts. Students will design and implement innovative solutions using an iterative process similar to what artists, writers, computer scientists, scientists and engineers use to bring ideas to life.
Advanced Placement Computer Science A (AP - 3605/3606) Two Semester Course
Open to: Grades 11-12 2.5 credits per semester
Prerequisites: Passing score on the AP exam from AP Computer Science Principles and recommendation from AP Computer Science Principles teacher.
AP Computer Science A is equivalent to a first-semester, college-level course in computer science. The course introduces students to computer science with fundamental topics that include problem solving, design strategies and methodologies, organization of data (data structures), approaches to processing data (algorithms), analysis of potential solutions, and the ethical and social implications of computing. The course emphasizes both object-oriented and imperative problem solving and design using the Java language. These techniques represent proven approaches for developing solutions that can scale up from small, simple problems to large, complex problems. The AP Computer Science A course curriculum is compatible with many CS1 courses in colleges and universities.
HHS-TV - 3780 Semester Course
Open to: Grades 9-12 2.5 credits
Prerequisites: None
In this class students will develop basic television production skills. Working in teams, students will practice all aspects of video production: conceptualizing, writing, producing, directing, shooting and editing. Using professional cameras, equipment and editing tools, students will produce quality work in this semester-long course. The main production of this course is the weekly HHS Today news program (produced for the HHS community), and included on the course's website ( as well as aired on HCAM (Hopkinton’s television channels). Segments produced include: news, drama, sports, comedy, issues, and arts; and will also allow students to translate their creative visions into short videos. Each student will have one homework assignment to film one after school HHS sponsored event: School play, Concert, Sporting event, Other event.
Engineering (H- 3820) Semester Course
Open to: Grades 9-12 2.5 credits
Prerequisites: None
Engineering students will exercise a higher level of thought while employing the engineering design process in collaborative teams. Creativity will flourish through production of various types of fun and competitive projects. The projects will include but are not limited to: Inventive light systems, Toys, “Rube Goldberg” Machines, and projects that benefit outside groups (example: Hopkinton First Responders). Local Engineers serving as mentors will contribute to the course by discussing design options with students.
Sustainable Engineering (H - 3830) Semester Course
Open to: Grades 9-12 2.5 credits
Prerequisites: None
Students will develop solutions to real-world global problems using the engineering design process. Students will work in teams to identify root causes of problems, ideate solutions and fabricate functional prototypes. Projects will include but are not limited to: Energy, Health, Safety, Environmental. Students will be encouraged to design solutions that can have an immediate impact in our local community.
Aeronautical Engineering - 3660 Semester Course
Open to: Grades 9-12 2.5 credits
Prerequisites: None
Students will take flight with paper, 3D printed, laser cut and drone technologies. Bernoulli’s principle is at the heart of each flight project that students will engage in: Paper gliders, Rocketry, Hot air balloons and Drone design, fabrication and flight. Students will use professional grade CAD software along with current fabrication tools such as 3D printers and Laser cutters to design and fabricate their own creations that take them to new heights.
Hands-On Skills - 3785 Semester Course
Open to: Grades 9-12 2.5 credits
Prerequisites: None
Students will put their hands and minds to good use as they learn the skills of: Electrical, Plumbing, Construction, Welding, Small engine and Bicycle repair. These skills are useful to all people that want to be knowledgeable and independent throughout their lives. Your work will directly benefit members of the community through repaired donations and community outreach. Any student willing to have fun while rolling up their sleeves will enjoy this course. They will understand the mechanical world around them and how to repair and create while saving themselves thousands of dollars annually by doing it themselves for the rest of their lives!
Senior HHS BTE Capstone (H - 3511/3512) Two Semester Course
Open to: Grade 12 2.5 credits per semester
Prerequisites: Successful completion and teacher recommendation(s) from at least 1 of 2 paths:
Path 1: Computer Science: AP CSP + AP CSA
Path 2: Engineering: Honors Engineering + Honors Sustainable Engineering
Students will identify and solve real world problems applying their acquired skills from prior HHS BTE programs (CS, Engineering). This genuine learning environment is during school hours with access to materials, tools and instruction to help students navigate an independently driven iterative process. Students will learn how to manage projects while leveraging and navigating inventive processes. Students will exercise opportunities to protect their intellectual property while filing a provisional patent. Students will present their work to a guest classroom judge who will select 2 projects that will advance to showcase at a statewide event.
Middle School
Hopkinton Middle School
Our Technology and Engineering middle school curriculum provides students with a rigorous and relevant Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education. Through an engaging curriculum, students are challenged, inspired, and gain skills in problem-solving, communication, collaboration, critical-thinking, and creativity. Learning experiences are designed to be engaging and hands-on, focusing on solving real world problems, where students are asked to solve problems using the design process and to “think like an engineer.” The Technology and Engineering curriculum is composed of three courses. In each course, students practice problem solving through structured activities which progress to open-ended projects and problems that require them to develop planning, documentation, communication, and other professional skills. Students with greater motivation, ability, or background knowledge will be challenged to work further.
Grade 6—Engineering for Everyone - Students in Engineering for Everyone design, fabricate and test Insulated Systems, Airdrop Systems, Specialized Vehicles, and Core Sampling Devices. Throughout each project, students will utilize the engineering design process to make calculated decisions to continually improve the performance of their prototypes. Students learn to make informed decisions when they "purchase" materials from the classroom supplies based on a predetermined budget. They record data as they test and evaluate their prototypes. Engineering is for everyone!
Grade 7—Design and Modeling - Students take part in the engineering design process while creating prostheses prototypes for dogs who have limited mobility. BayPath veterinarians mentor the students as they design their devices. Students hone their skills in producing isometric and orthographic drawings of their designs. After drafting designs on paper, students will utilize computer modeling, 3D printing, precision measurement, and other design skills. Students will conclude the course with a capstone project focused on the design and fabrication of therapeutic toys for children with disabilities.
Clubs + Teams
BTE Clubs + Teams
High School
Business Professionals of America is for students pursuing careers in business management, office administration, information technology, communications and other career fields. Business Professionals of America has the ability to enhance student participation in professional, civic, service and social endeavors. Business Professionals of America members participate in these activities to accomplish its goals of self-improvement, leadership development, professionalism, community service, career development, public relations, student cooperation and safety and health. HHS BPA students compete in various competitive events at the state and national levels.
Students interested in trying out for competitive positions should inquire.
Business Professionals of America
After school for 9th-12th grade girls to explore coding in a fun & friendly environment.
Day and Time: Thursdays after school in room C206/C207.
Students meet to celebrate and promote student diversity at HHS
Hopkinetics is the name of the robotics teams at HHS. These teams compete in VEX VRC competition with the goal of enhancing STEM in the lives of its members. The students work hands-on with technology solving a specific problem that is assigned each year. They compete at the local, regional, state and world level with their robot completing the given task. Teams are also judged and receive awards for their efforts in various parts of the engineering design process.
Day and Time: Tuesday and Thursdays, room C206 from 2pm to 4pm throughout the year. Attendance is mandatory, similar to a sport.
Info about VEX VRC: Vex Robotics
Hopkinetics members in good standing have the opportunity to become members of the International Robotics Honor Society
Code Club provides an opportunity for students to gather and program using any programming platform that they prefer to learn about in a sharing community of learners.
Day and Time: TBD
Student Leader: TBD
Contact: TBD
HHS Mock Trial is a member of the American Mock Trial Association and competes in local, regional and national mock trials.
Day and Time: TBA
This after school club covers interesting people, events, and info from HHS. Club members conduct interviews, shoot and edit their segments. This is a hands-on club, where you get the chance to film, be part of the crew, or be in front of the camera! We also contribute to the HHS Today news program produced weekly and shown during Advisory. Interested? Send us an email, and you could be a part of the action!
Day and Time: Every other Wednesday, 2-3:00 in Room C205.
Website: HHS Today
Formerly named MIT Launch
student interested in invention and learning more about how to get their ideas off the ground.
Day and Time: Tuesdays 2pm
Middle School
RoboHillers is the name of the robotics teams at Hopkinton Middle School. These teams compete in VEX IQ competition with the goal of enhancing STEM in the lives of its members. The students work hands-on with technology solving a specific problem that is assigned each year. They compete at the local, regional, state and world level with their robot completing the given task. Teams are also judged and receive awards for their efforts in various parts of the engineering design process.
Thursdays 2pm to 4pm throughout the year
Info about VEX IQ: Vex Robotics
This after school club brings you interesting people, events, and info from the Middle School. Our project is HMS Today, a morning news program produced weekly and shown during homeroom on Fridays. In this club, we do interviews, skits, and informational segments. This is a hands-on club where students get the chance to film, be part of the crew, or be in front of the camera. If you are a middle-schooler, email us about something cool in your world, and we might use it for one of our segments!
Day and time: Every other Wednesday, 2-3:00 in the HMS-TV room near the cafeteria exit.
Website: HMS Today
HHS Internships
Umass Boston partners with Hopkinton High School to provide STEM internship opportunities to HHS students. Students selected will work with UMass Boston professors in lab spaces as well as help develop projects for teachers visiting UMass Boston to learn more about STEM.
Dates: TBA each spring
Application Process: Inquire with Mr. Scott for current application form
BTE News
Catch the latest BTE News via:
Doug Scott's Twitter Feed:
Kirsten Fournier's Twitter Feed:
HHS Twitter Feed:
HMS Twitter Feed:
HCAM Twitter Feed:
BTE Student Hall of Fame
BTE Student Hall of Fame
BTE Department Awards:
9th: David Bradley
9th: Garrett Powers
10th: Yi-Fan Chen
11th: Declan Curry
12th: Kyle Heavey
12th: Meg Bradbury
BTE Department Awards:
9th: Sebastian Toledo
10th: Kaitlyn Holly
11th: Amelia Hagberg
12th: Victor Chiang
12th: Grace Darkow
Team 2602C - Honorable Mention
BPA recognitions:
Video Production Team 1st Place
David Antaki 11th, Ryan Hawkins 10th, Will Dionne 9th, Brendan Hemenway 11th
Global Marketing Team 1st Place
Suneeta Tandon 11th, Lea Yenawine 11th, Miranda Baumann 11th, Zach Umans 11th
Broadcast News Team 2nd Place
Cael Maceachern 11th, Ben Pessin 11th, Chris Pomeroy 11th, Breanna Winshman 11th, Maz Ahmad 11th
David Antaki 11th - Digital Media Production - 1st
Will Dionne 9th - Business Law and Ethics - 1st
Taz Ferdous 11th - Interview Skills - 1st
Chris Pomeroy 11th - PC Servicing - 4th
Zach Umans 11th - Digital Media Production - 2nd
Zach Umans 11th - Digital Publishing - 2nd
Lea Yenawine 11th - Digital Publishing - 4th
Robotics recognitions:
Ben Scire 11th - VEX Robotics New England Design Award - Alliance Captain at Worlds
Amelia Hagberg 11th - VEX Robotics New England Design Award - Alliance Captain at Worlds
Victor Chiang 12th - VEX Robotics New England Design Award - Alliance Captain at Worlds
Al Wiedersheim 12th - VEX Robotics New England Design Award - Alliance Captain at Worlds
Mike Domingo 12th - VEX Robotics New England Design Award - Alliance Captain at Worlds
Will Ciesinskie 12th - VEX Robotics New England Design Award - Alliance Captain at Worlds
Ryan Hawkins 10th - VEX Robotics Regional Excellence Award winner
Ananth Sanjay 9th - VEX Robotics Regional Excellence Award winner
Dante Sivo 11th - VEX Robotics Regional Excellence Award winner
Albert (Haiping) Li 12th - VEX Robotics Regional Excellence Award winner
Kenny Rhodes 12th - VEX Robotics Regional Excellence Award winner
Ben Faletra 12th - VEX Robotics Regional Excellence Award winner
BTE Department Awards:
9th: Imaan Haider
10th: Julia Viveiros
10th: Matvey Ortyashov
11th: Ryan Hawkins
11th: Andrew Potenzone
12th: Dante Sivo
12th: Tyler Ramsarran
BPA recognitions:
12th: Lea Yenawine - President
12th: Zach Umans - VP
Event results
Video Production Team 1st Place:
12th: Breanna Winshman, 12th: Ben Pessin, 10th: Tiffany Ramsarran, 12th: Brendan Hemenway
Global Marketing Team 1st Place:
12th: Suneeta Tandon, 12th: Lea Yenawine, 12th: Miranda Baumann, 12th: Zach Umans
Network Design Team 2nd Place:
12th:Tyler Ramsarran, 9th: Helena Hubbe, 9th: Elise Blackstock
12th: Maz Ahmad - Interview Skills 1st
12th: Maz Ahmad - Extemporaneous Speech 3rd
10th: Ethan DeYoung - Computer Modeling 1st
10th: Will Dionne - Entrepreneurship 2nd
12th: Taz Ferdous - Extemporaneous Speech 2nd
12th: Vinaik Gautam - Entrepreneurship 1st
11th: Ryan Hawkins - Banking and Finance 1st
11th: Imran Ladha - Business Law and Ethics 3rd
12th: Jason Liu - Economic Research 1st
12th: Cael Maceachern - Prepared Speech 2nd
12th: Cael Maceachern - Entrepreneurship 3rd
12th: Tyler Ramsarran - PC Servicing and Troubleshooting 2nd
12th: Zach Umans - Desktop Publishing 2nd
12th: Zach Umans - Digital Publishing 5th
12th: Breanna Winshman - Extemporaneous Speech 1st
BPA State Scholarship Contests
11th: Imran Ladha - Writing Contest 1st
12th: Miranda Baumann - Writing Contest 2nd
Robotics recognitions:
2602H - 2X VEX Robotics Regional Tournament Champion
9th: Devash Jain
9th: Shishir Sudhaman
9th: Jay Katyan
11th: Shadman Raakin
12th: Amelia Hagberg
12th: Dante Sivo
2602C - VEX Robotics Regional Excellence Award
2602C - 2X VEX Robotics Regional Design Award
9th: Alopa Waje
9th: Tanya Khan
12th: Jacob Coffey
12th:Beatrice Galbusera
12th:Ryan Dunn
12th:Cole Stukel
12th:Jacob Burden
2602D - VEX Robotics Regional Design Award
9th: Jack Dionne
9th: Jackson Schlussel
10th: Neel Medhi
10th: Justin Mak
10th: Phil Blanchette
2602E - VEX Robotics Regional Tournament Champion
9th: Pablo Diaz Carlos
10th: Tyler Rhodes
10th: Noah Schonhorn
10th: Cam Sivo
10th: Hersh Tandon
11th: Ryan Hawkins
11th: Neal Patel
12th: Jason Zou
2602B - VEX Robotics Regional Judges Award
2602B - VEX Robotics New England Create Award
9th: Nate Parrow
10th: Ananth Sanjay
10th: Hritesh Rajanagan
10th: Elan Rosen
12th: Tyler Ramsarran
BTE Department Awards:
9th: Sucheta Sunder
9th: Srikar Ravi
9th: Tanisha Rajgor
10th: Mahdi Maymandi-Nejad
10th: Justin Wade
11th: Tiffany Ramsarran
12th: Kevin Sullivan
National Center for Women In Technology Awards:
12th Sierra Schlussel - Winner
11th Grace Ye - Honorable Mention
Boston College Women In Science and Technology:
9th: Advika Agrawal
BPA recognitions:
11th: Tiffany Ramsarran - Elected State President Mass BPA
Global Marketing Team 1st
11th Ashley McDermott, 11th Tyler Rhodes, 12th Ryan Hawkins, 10th Ben Morey-Beale
Computer Modeling 1st
9th Sucheta Sunder
Computer Modeling 2nd
11th Tyler Rhodes
Econ Research Team 1st
10th Helena Hubbe, 10th Ayush Krishnamony, 10th Mahdi Maymandi-Nejad, 11th Tiffany Ramsarran, 11th Kevin Liu, 11th Ethan DeYoung, 11th Will Dionne
Entrepreneurship 2nd
10th Ayush Krishnamony
Entrepreneurship 1st
10th Mahdi Maymandi-Nejad
Econ Research Individual 2nd
10th Shreya Thalvayapati
Banking and Finance 3rd
12th Ryan Hawkins
Digital Publishing 4th
9th Tara Joshi
Robotics recognitions:
Team 2602A:
Design Award Winner
New England Build Award
Qualified for International VEX Worlds Championships
Riccardo Negri 12th
Alex Clark 12th
Jacob Mauro 11th
Jake Chirco 10th
Krutarth Prumar 9th
Nate Krozy 10th
Team 2602H:
2 x Design Award winner
5th in Region for Skills Points
Qualified for International VEX Worlds Championships
Jay Katyan 10th
Shishir Sudhaman 10th
Shadman Raakin 12th
Sankalp Subhendu 10th
Tejas Shah 10th
Jackson Schlussel 10th
Devansh Jain 10th
Nate Foster 10th
Hritesh Rajanagan 11th
Nipun Kisara 10th
Elan Rosen 11th
International Robotics Honor Society:
Nate Foster 10th
Tyler Rhodes 11th
Contact Us
Michael Finn
BTE Teacher, 8th Grade Girls' Soccer Coach, 8th Grade Softball Coach
Hopkinton High School